Alternative to Single Category View When View Has Multiple Cateogry Levels

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/04/2002 at 05:15 PM


Notes Developer Tips

You create a $$ViewTemplate for Whatever.
The Whatever view has multiple levels of categories.
You are using a drop down or action links to dynamically select a single top level category

Clicking/opening a triangle for one of the secondary levels causes the view to revert back to the "default" value of the view when it first loaded.

Do not use the single category view option. Instead use the web parameter "&RestrictToCategory=value" in the url. Have the url that your drop down or text/button actions use a formula similar to the following:

db:=@Subset(@DbName; -1);
view:= @ReplaceSubstring(@Subset(@ViewTitle; -1); "\\"; " ");
@URLOpen("/" + db + "/" + view + "!OpenView&RestrictToCategory=F")

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