Click URL in ViewPanel to return UNID for Alternate Action to Open/Edit Document

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/22/2011 at 06:42 PM


Notes Developer Tips

We have a view pop-up or embedded view (viewpanel) in an XPage. I'm using it as a document selection source. We want to click on a link in a column and not open the document, but return the UNID and do something completely different with the returned UNID.

1. First lets give the rows a handle variable. Standard we all use seems to be rowData.
View Panel --> All Properties --> data --> data --> var --> enter rowData.

2. Now we need to make the column have a link to return the current entry's document UNID.
Note: We are not going to use the link checkbox under display. In other words, we are leaving that unchecked.
Select the column data cell.
Properties (tab) --> Style (side-tab) --> Font (sub tab) --> Style --> select Underline button (u).
Events (tab) --> Mouse (side category) --> onclick (click) --> Server (tab on right) --> Add Action (button) -->
Category = All (default) --> Action = Execute Script -->
var curEntry = rowData;
var curunid = curEntry.getUniversalID();
xwp1.setValue('FieldName', curunid);
--> click OK.

3. Save and Test.

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