Changing Out Workspace Icons for Custom Corporation Background (Notes Mac V8 and V9)

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/29/2013 at 11:50 PM


Notes Developer Tips

This tip is a bit of hack. When you install a new version of Notes, the package will replace your custom image. But its fun. :-)

Workspace Update:

1. Create new images.
Notes: Bitmap icons can be 32bit for transparent and can be scaled. Make sure "Texture Workspace".

Workspace Background Image:
02574.bmp - 100 px x 100 px x 8 bit color depth (default)

Workspace Icon Images:
Normal Icon - 02578.bmp - 103 px x 103 px x 8 bit color depth (default)
Clicked/pressed Icon, clicked - 02579.bmp - 103 px x 103 px x 8 bit color depth (default)

Bookmark App Icons:
Normal icon: - 02576.bmp - 103 px x 103 px x 8 bit color depth (default)
Clicked/pressed Icon, clicked - 02577.bmp - 103 px x 103 px x 8 bit color depth (default)

Login Wait Progress Window Images:
login_l.bmp - No forced depth or size.
login_s.bmp - No forced depth or size.

Twistie Icon:
02573.bmp - 9 px x 14 px x 4 bit color depth (default)

Note: 4 bit colors are basic RGB in colors and then 3 shades of gray: red/white, green/light gray, and blue/dark gray

2. Enable Textured Workspace if not enabled:
a. Right-click Workspace empty background.
b. Check option to enable Textured Workspace.

3. Open the Lotus Application Package:
a. /Applications/ (or in 10.8).
b. Right-click, choose "Show Package Contents".
c. Inside the package, open Contents folder, open Resources folder, open English.lproj folder.

4. Rename the current graphic files in case you wish to revert.

5. Copy the new graphics into the English.lproj folder.

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