Open Different XPage for Various Documents in XPage ViewPanel

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/14/2011 at 01:16 PM


Notes Developer Tips

Application current design prohibits me from setting the form's web XPage to a specific XPage since the web form still also needs to be a regular web HTML form elsewhere in the application's web interface. Need ability to do similar to a view Form Formula override for the documents based on their forms. The "At runtime, open selected document using:" field on the View tab looks like the best place. Hacking a URL is possible for each column but is clunky for updates.

Assuming you haven't given the viewPanel a specific var name (e.g. rowData), it has the default variable name of viewEntry.
So we can update the view panel's "open selected document using" field to:

var curDoc = viewEntry.getDocument();
return 'x' + curDoc.getItemValueString('Form') + '.xsp';

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