Delete Document w LotusScript Including Children in Hierarchy

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/30/2001 at 09:36 AM


Notes Developer Tips
LotusScript, Parent/Child Documents

This tip is by Keil Wilson, a consultant in Lincoln, Nebraska. I do not know what resource (where) the tip originated.

A common use for LotusScript is to control the deletion of documents.
This code will delete a document and all of its descendants.

The following piece of code can be called from anywhere you have a
handle to a NotesDocument object. You pass this sub a NotesDocument
and it will delete that document as well as all descendants.


Sub DeleteHierarchy(docToDelete As NotesDocument)
docToDelete - NotesDocument object the represents the NotesDocument
to be deleted.
Nothing is returned.

Dim ndcResponses As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim docResponse As NotesDocument
' docNextResponse is a pointer to the next document in the response
' This is needed because the current response is removed before a
call to
GetNextDocument can be made.
Dim docNextResponse As NotesDocument

Set ndcResponses = docToDelete.Responses
If ndcResponses.Count > 0 Then
Set docResponse = ndcResponses.GetFirstDocument
Do While Not docResponse Is Nothing
Set docNextResponse = ndcResponses.GetNextDocument(docResponse)
Call DeleteHierarchy(docResponse)
Set docResponse = docNextResponse
End If
Call docToDelete.Remove(True)

End Sub

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