Oracle LC Table Query and Fetch Error Messages

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/15/2013 at 12:13 PM


Notes Developer Tips
LSX (LotusScript Extensions/Connectors)

ORA-00904 : "value" : invalid identifier

1. Check that the column name passed is correct key column for look-up. For example below, verify that MyKyFld_ID is a column and a key column.
2. Check that you remembered to put the string/number in single quotes. Otherwise, the connector seems to think you passed it a variable to get the value.

ORA-00936 : missing expression

Look for a typo in your code where you never set the variable being passed to your fetch call. Most likely you forgot to build your SQL query / expression and passed the connector an empty SQL query.

Oracle codepage 178 set by NLS_LANG on the LEI server does not equal the codepage of the Oracle database (871), data loss is possible.
Character set not equal 'Oracle codepage 178 set by NLS_LANG on the LEI server does not equal the codepage of the Oracle database (871), data loss is possible'.

set config EIOracleCheckCharset=0 (default, 1 for warn, 2 for fail)

Character set overriding 'Overriding Oracle codepage to UTF8 (LCSTREAMFMT 171) from source Oracle Server.

A. Set NLS_LANG in the Oracle client:
Linux: export NLS_LANG = <NLSCODE> Set this environmental variable should be set. Add it to the .profile or the appropriate login script.
Windows: NLS_LANG is set in registry for MS Windows.

B. Override for the server (server wide) via Notes.ini:
Notes.ini Solution: set config EIOracle8NativeText=<some NLS oracle code>

C. Update the LCSTREAMFMT from 171 (UT-8) to what Oracle client or server expects.
See LSX Development Guide. Do search for LCSTREAMFMT.

D. Do nothing. Consider this just a warning and continue with your code.

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