Administrative Server and Am I Template Checks for Agents

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/02/2013 at 01:35 PM


Notes Developer Tips


Have an agent that you'd like to do two checks:

1. Verify the agent is not running if the application is a template (without a NTF extension).
2. Not hard-code in the agent properties to run on a specific server. Desire instead to set the agent properties to run on Any Server and check if the current server is the Administrative Server for the current app smartly.


Below is a code sample:

Sub Initialize
Dim s as New NotesSession
Dim db as NotesDatabase ' current app
. . .
' setup
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
' abort if template
If Not (db.TemplateName = "") Then
' this is a template, abort
Exit Sub
End If
' abort if not on ACL admin server
If Not (CheckAdminServer(db) = 1) Then
Exit Sub
End If
. . .
End Sub

Function CheckAdminServer(db As NotesDatabase) As Integer
' checks to see if current server running an agent is the current server, returns 1 for same, 0 for different or failure
Dim dbACL As NotesACL ' current db ACL, check to see if running on admin server
Dim adminNm As NotesName ' admin server from ACL
Dim curNm As NotesName ' current server running agent (db)

On Error Goto FErrorHandler

CheckAdminServer = 0

' get acl admin, set names, and compare
Set dbACL = db.ACL
Set curNm = New NotesName(db.Server)
Set adminNm = New NotesName(dbACL.AdministrationServer)
If (Strcompare(curNm.Abbreviated, adminNm.Abbreviated, 5)=0 ) Then
' match
CheckAdminServer = 1
Exit Function
End If

Exit Function

Resume FExit
End Function

Function GetAdminServer(db As NotesDatabase) As String
' checks to see if current server running an agent is the current server, returns 1 for same, 0 for different or failure
Dim dbACL As NotesACL ' current db ACL, check to see if running on admin server
Dim adminNm As NotesName ' admin server from ACL
Dim curNm As NotesName ' current server running agent (db)

On Error Goto FErrorHandler

GetAdminServer = 0

' get acl admin, set names, and compare
Set dbACL = db.ACL
Set adminNm = New NotesName(dbACL.AdministrationServer)
If Not (adminNm Is Nothing) Then
' use admin server
GetAdminServer = adminNm.Canonical
' use current server
GetAdminServer = db.Server
End If

Exit Function

Resume FExit
End Function

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