Security Error Running Java Agent Performing HTTP Web Service Request

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 02/13/2016 at 02:33 PM


Notes Developer Tips

Runtime Issue:
Code works stand-alone. However, when running w/in Java agent, the Java web service call doesn't work. The error is:

02/13/2016 02:30:49 PM Exception reading MyModule JSONObject: java.lang.SecurityException: not allowed to make a socket connection to,443
02/13/2016 02:30:49 PM AMgr: Agent ('schTSync' in 'MyApp.nsf') printing: Problem in JavaMyModule init: java.lang.SecurityException: not allowed to stop the JVM
02/13/2016 02:30:49 PM AMgr: Agent ('schTSync' in 'MyApp.nsf') error message: java.lang.SecurityException: not allowed to stop the JVM
02/13/2016 02:30:49 PM AMgr: Agent ('schTSync' in 'MyApp.nsf') error message: at lotus.notes.AgentSecurityManager.checkExit(Unknown Source)
02/13/2016 02:30:49 PM AMgr: Agent ('schTSync' in 'MyApp.nsf') error message: at java.lang.Runtime.exit(
02/13/2016 02:30:49 PM AMgr: Agent ('schTSync' in 'MyApp.nsf') error message: at java.lang.System.exit(

Settings to Fix:
Verify the server document's Programmability Restrictions section, specifically what IDs are in the Sign or run unrestricted methods and operations and Sign or run restricted LotusScript/Java agents. Make sure the ID that saved/signed the agent is in at least the restricted field.

Change the runtime security property of the agent from #1 to #2, Allow restricted operations.
(Agent Properties --> Security (tab) --> Runtime security level (section) --> 2. Allow restricted operations

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