Would like to have a dynamic (mult-value) table of detail rows for a Lotus Domino web form. The dynmic rows need to be updated on the client side with no round trips adding rows, removing rows, and updating rows.
Attached are the snippets of code that Mindwatering uses to build such a form for clients.
JS Header Code:
JS OnLoad Code:
DetailRow-JS OnLoad.rtf
Sample Form Layout:
Row |  | Item GTIN/UPC |  | UPC / Store Number |  | Store Item Num. |  | Item Damaged |  | Item Description |
<br><br> |  | [D_UPCIn]
<br><br> |  | [D_IsPLUIn]
<br><br> |  | [D_PLUIn]
<br><br> |  | [D_IsDamageIn]
<br><br> |  | [D_DescIn]
<br><br> |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | <Add / Update Row Btn> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | <Remove Row Btn> |
<br><br> |  | [D_UPC]
<br><br> |  | [D_IsPLU]
<br><br> |  | [D_PLU]
<br><br> |  | [D_IsDamage]
<br><br> |  | [D_Desc]
<br><br> |
[D_RowSel] - Combox / Editable
Hide/When: Open for Reading
Use formula for choices:
OnChange Event:
[D_UPCIn] - Text/ Editable
Hide/When: Open for Reading
Default value: ""
Input Translation: ""
HTML Atributes: "Size=\"14\" Maxlength=\"14\""
[D_IsPLUIn] - Radio Button / Editable
Hide/When: Open for Reading
Default value: "N"
Enter choices [one per line]:
Yes | Y
No | N
Input Translation: "N" (Optional, include if you want it to reset back to default between saves)
[D_ItemNumIn] - Text/ Editable
Hide/When: Open for Reading
Default value: ""
Input Translation: ""
HTML Atributes: "Size=\"9\" Maxlength=\"14\""
[D_IsDamgeIn] - Radio Button / Editable
Hide/When: Open for Reading
Default value: "N"
Enter choices [one per line]:
Yes | Y
No | N
Input Translation: "N" (Optional, include if you want it to reset back to default between saves)
[D_DescIn] - Text/ Editable
Hide/When: Open for Reading
Default value: ""
Input Translation: ""
HTML Atributes: "Size=\"24\" Maxlength=\"24\""
<Add / Update Row > Button Action - Common JavaScript (We have maximum row check here at 16 - 15 is 16 with 0 LBound )
Hide/When: Open for Reading
onClick code:
// validate row values
if(CheckFldMax(f.D_UPCIn, 15) == true) {
return false;
if(CheckRowFields() == true) {
} else {
return false;
<Remove Row > Button Action - Common JavaScript
Hide/When: Open for Reading
onClick code:
// remove the current row selected values from list
[D_RowNum] - Text / Editable / Multi-value (checked)
Multi-Value Options - Separate: Comma, Semicolon, New Line, Blank Line / Display: New Line
Default Value: "0"
Input Translation: @Trim(@ThisValue)
HTML Atributes: "rows=\"16\" cols=\"2\"" (Update 16 to the row limit desired.)
on Focus Event:
[D_UPC] - Text / Editable / Multi-value (checked)
Multi-Value Options - Separate: Comma, Semicolon, New Line, Blank Line / Display: New Line
Default Value: ""
Input Translation: @Trim(@ThisValue)
HTML Atributes: "rows=\"16\" cols=\"16\"" (Update row 16 to the row limit desired.)
on Focus Event:
[D_IsPLU] - Text / Editable / Multi-value (checked)
Multi-Value Options - Separate: Comma, Semicolon, New Line, Blank Line / Display: New Line
Default Value: ""
Input Translation: @Trim(@ThisValue)
HTML Atributes: "rows=\"16\" cols=\"5\"" (Update row 16 to the row limit desired.)
on Focus Event:
[D_PLU] - Text / Editable / Multi-value (checked)
Multi-Value Options - Separate: Comma, Semicolon, New Line, Blank Line / Display: New Line
Default Value: ""
Input Translation: @Trim(@ThisValue)
HTML Atributes: "rows=\"16\" cols=\"16\"" (Update row 16 to the row limit desired.)
on Focus Event:
[D_IsDamage] - Text / Editable / Multi-value (checked)
Multi-Value Options - Separate: Comma, Semicolon, New Line, Blank Line / Display: New Line
Default Value: ""
Input Translation: @Trim(@ThisValue)
HTML Atributes: "rows=\"16\" cols=\"5\"" (Update row 16 to the row limit desired.)
on Focus Event:
[D_Desc] - Text / Editable / Multi-value (checked)
Multi-Value Options - Separate: Comma, Semicolon, New Line, Blank Line / Display: New Line
Default Value: ""
Input Translation: @Trim(@ThisValue)
HTML Atributes: "rows=\"16\" cols=\"25\"" (Update row 16 to the row limit desired, cols is one more than line select to make sure no accidental wrapping.)
on Focus Event:
previous page