Computed Subforms Not Loading Issue

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/30/2006 at 10:44 PM


Notes Developer Tips

Issue 1:
Form has one or more computed subforms. The subforms are not loading. Using a field or computed text shows they SHOULD be working.

Solution 1 Options:
1. Recreate form from scratch. This sometimes works.
2. Try marking subforms PublicAccess (check/enable). This works sometimes, too.
3. Give up and copy subform contents to form and create multiple forms.

Issue 2:
Similar to number one, except this issue sometimes occurs if you do #3 above. You save the document. If you leave it open (and not close after the save) but preview on the web or notes, you will get a note missing error. If you close form, and attempt to re-open/re-edit it, you get an error that not is not a form.

Solution 2:
You cannot fix this. The form is corrupt. Make a copy before doing #3 in case this happens. However, it will corrupt every time, so if it happens the first time, try options #2 or just recreate form from scratch (#1 above).

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