Notes View Export to Excel

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/07/2001 at 08:32 PM


Notes Developer Tips
Views, General

By default, when you choose to export data from a Notes view in Lotus 1-2-3
format and don't specify a file extension, the default extension given is *.WK1.
When you then open a *.WK1 file in Excel, it uses a filter associated with 123
for DOS, thereby resulting in the annoying boxes and extraneous characters.

The best way to prevent this, according to all of the helpful readers who sent
me e-mail, is to manually type in a file extension of *.WK3 or *.WK4 after the
file name. Both of these extensions worked fine for me when testing it out with
Excel 2000, but you might need to check compatibility if you're using an earlier
version of Excel.

Here are the complete revised instructions:

1. Choose the view you want to export and then File-->Export from the menu.

2. In the Save As Type drop-down box, choose Lotus 1-2-3.

3. Type in the file name you want and manually type the file extension as well
(i.e., myfile.WK3 or myfile.WK4) and click Export. Select which documents you
want to export and if you want to include the view titles and click OK.

4. Open the file in Excel. You might need to associate it with Excel if you open
it directly, or you can first open Excel and then open the file through the
File-->Open menu.

5. Save the file in whatever format that you wish.

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