Email to Internet Mail via LotusScript

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/26/1999 at 07:51 PM


Notes Developer Tips
Forms/Subforms, LotusScript

Ruediger Seiffert
Thursday, 1/28/99 5:10 PM EST
Re: Help. Agent to kick off email after web post


ok, you can "steal" the following.

I suppose you have a flag in your faq-document which will be set if it´s answered
Create another flag which will prevent multiple sending of the same message:

Field (editable - hidden):
Default Value: "false"

Then put the following in the documents QueryClose-Event

Sub QueryClose(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
Dim doc as NotesDocument
Dim var1 As String
Dim varN As String
Dim s as New NotesSession

Set doc = source.Document
var1 = doc.Field1(0)

If doc.faq_answered(0)="true" and doc.email_already_sent(0)="false" Then
Call SentNotification(var1, ..., varN, Mailaddress)
doc.email_already_sent(0)="true" <---- This prevents multiple EMail-Notifications
Call doc.Save(True, False) <---- I don´t know if this is necessary for QueryClose - test it ;-)
End If
End Sub

And this is your SUB:

Sub SentNotification(s As NotesSession, replytoaddr as String, emailaddr As String) ' <---- Define the variables you need in the same order then you give them to this Sub

Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim mailDoc As New NotesDocument(s.CurrentDatabase)
mailDoc.SaveMessageOnSend = False
Call mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Memo")
Call mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue("SendTo", emailaddr ) ' SendTo can either be canonical or an email address
Call mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", "Your subject goes here.")

' you can create "Copy", "BlindCopy" etc. in the same manner

' note that some of the entries below MUST be email addresses and not canonical names
fromuser = thisAgent.OnBehalfOf ' canonical format ( Agent runs on behalf of a specific user.)
replytoaddr = doc.ReplyTo(0) ' e-mail format, not canonical
If (replytoaddr ="") Then
' cannot have "", will get Invalid User error for SMTP
replytoaddr =""
End If
mailDoc.From = replytoaddr ' can be canonical if person doc exists, otherwise make email address format
mailDoc.ReplyTo = replytoaddr ' must be email address format
mailDoc.Principal = fromuser ' should be canonical
mailDoc.INetFrom = replytoaddr ' must be email address format

' build the body field
Dim rtitem As New NotesRichTextItem( mailDoc,"Body")
Call rtitem.AppendText("Bla Bl Bla " & UName & "!")
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(1)
Call rtitem.AppendText("More and more Text")
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(1)

Call mailDoc.Send( False, emailaddr )
End Sub

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