How to Add the Java JDK to Use with Domino CORBA

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/09/2002 at 02:21 AM


Notes Developer Tips

On the server you are required to do the following:

1. Update the Notes.ini
Load the server task DIIOP and HTTP (if not already running).
To do this add them to the notes.ini "server tasks=" line. This will allow them to load when the Domino server is started. If you do not want to have them start automatically, load them on the server console by typing "load http" or "load diiop". You can also start them from the alternate tasks list on the right with "start new task"; choose the tasks from the list and start them.

2. Update/Verify the Server Document
Next check the server document and ensure in the "Internet Ports" tab that the CORBA/DIIOP port is enabled. (At least the "standard" port, you do not have to enable the SSL one unless you want to authenticate with SSL.

3. Restart the Domino Server
Now restart the server for the new settings to take place.


To configure a client to run standalone Java programs:

1.Download the development JDK from Sun and install it.
Install the JDK client. Domino 6 uses the 1.3 version of Java. (Although I have tested several others successfully. However, with mission critical apps, I recommend you keep the versions between client and server the same.)
2. Add the bin folder of the JDK to the machine path name. Under "environmental variables". (Click advanced on XP, on NT it is on a main tab.)

3. Add a PATH environmental variable if it doesn't exist and put in a "." if that doesn't exist. (That means search the current directory. Otherwise you will get a "NoClassDefFoundError" because it seems the Java cannot find itself otherwise...)

4. Lastly, if compiling Domino classes (which you probably are, or would not be reading this page), add the "c:\lotus\notes\data\domino\java\NCSO.jar" to the classpath so that your Domino NCSO and NCSOC jars can be found. (The one ending C has only remote CORBA in it.)


If you are running an applet on the browsers, you need the Java VM (Virtual Machine) from Microsoft or Sun's web site (

Install from either web site and follow the prompts. Afterwards, you should be able to run Java within the browser.

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