Want to use Messages app w/Openfire-based Jabber server.
1. Start the Messaging app.
Finder --> Applications --> Messages
2. Under Messages on the Menu, choose "Add Account".

3. Choose "Other messages account...", click the Continue button.

4. Complete the Add a Messages Account screen setup.
- Type: Jabber
- Account Name: myloginid@myservername.mydomain.com
- Password: <whateveryourpasswordis>
- SLL - Enable w/ Use SSL
- The Server Options section is optional, but you can complete it if needed. Click Create when done.

Your account is now set up.
To add contacts, Buddies, open the Buddies window:

In the Buddies window, right click, and Add Buddy.

In the pop-up,
- Beside Add to ,select the Jabber server you just added.
- Beside Account Name, enter the account ID with the FQDN (e.g. aloginid@myserver.mindwatering.com)
- Complete the First name and Last name fields to give the contact a friendly entry and click the Add button.
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