DAOS Error Messages

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/21/2010 at 12:44 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting

DAOS catalog doesn't exist.
- if just enabled, ignore this. the catalog will be created automatically.
- if accidentally deleted, the system will create a new one. run the tell daosmgr resync command and just wait.

DAOS catalog cannot be updated
- verify exists, probably does, verify acl allows the server access
- check that disk is not full and you corrupted it. free up disk space, and run fixup or delete it and let the system create another (as above).

The database <dbname> attempted to access a missing file: <nlo file>.
- the object (attachment file) is missing. restore it.
- the drive for the NLO files has died, restore it.
- the drive O/S permissions don't allow access.
- database was copied via O/S and now the document "tickets" to the NLO are invalid. Use the admin create replica.
- if you don't have it, remove the ticket/link using the command: fixup j -d dbname.nsf

The database <dbname> was unable to open or read the file: <nlo file>.
- restored wrong server's NLOs and their encrypted for another server
- NLO file corrupted. antivirus or backup hit the file same time as the domino server. turn off anti-virus for the NLO folder. Set the backup to use the "hot" agent. restore the attachment from backup.
- if you don't have it, remove the ticket/link using the command: fixup j -d dbname.nsf
- check that the storage location in the server doc hasn't been messed up (Server document --> DAOS tab).
- the drive O/S permissions don't allow access.

The database <dbname> was unable to write to file: <nlo file>.
- same as above.

The database <dbname> has changed at the OS level.
- the system has noticed that you changed a NLO file. (e.g. a backup was restored), resync.
- a database corruption occurred during a compact, recompact using the copy style and resync.

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