Database Currently In Use Error

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/02/2012 at 03:52 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Misc. Log Errors

The following message is displayed on the Domino server or in the Notes client:
This database is currently being used by someone else. In order to share a Notes database ....

Possible Solution:
User is using local replica of mail file (roaming via u:drive) and has both a workstation and a laptop both using the same application. This is a conflict. Switch one to the server or upgrade to real Notes/Domino-based roaming.

Possible Solution:
User is not using a local replica but gets this one or more times a day. It is often at the same time of day/week.
This is most likely a conflict of either backup software and/or anti-virus software opening/scanning files at the same time they are in use by the user/server. Make sure that A/V software excludes the Notes (if client) and Domino (if server) folders. Back-up software must use either the "hot agent" (e.g. TDP for Domino) or uses volume shadow snapshot for backing up these folders.

Note: A/V and Backup of "hot" files can often create corruption in open applications (e.g., log.nsf, etc) that are both open and written to continuously.

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