Domino 10 Upgrade on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/11/2018 at 09:56 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

Ubuntu is not a supported Domino Linux distro still. However, we have been running in production on secondary Domino servers since Domino 7.
For a supported Linux, swing your RedHat box to 7.4 or higher, or CentOS 7.4 or higher. Unlike Ubuntu, RedHat and CentOS strongly recommend new installs for each release.

Upgraded Ubuntu from 16 to 18.04.1:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo do-release-upgrade

I kept any current configs rather than installing new package default configurations.

Copy Domino 10 Linux Install File:
1. Used Filezilla to transfer new Domino tar to server.

Untar and Install Domino 10:
$ sudo tar -xvf DOMINO_SERVER_V10.0.64_BIT_LINUX_.tar
$ sudo su
# cd linux64/domino/ (assuming using the 64bit version of Domino)
# NUI_NOTESDIR=/opt/lotus (or NUI_NOTESDIR=/opt/ibm/domino in the newer releases)
# ./install
Take the defaults unless you need to change them. The install should auto-detect the folders and the domino user id.
- Install w/ Console [Yes]
- Accept License [1]
- Install Data Directories Only [0]
- Next [1]
- Verify Program Files install location [/opt/ibm/domino/]
- Partitioned Server [No]
- Next [1]
- Verify Data Files Directory install location [/local/notesdata/]
- Next [1]
- User Name [notes]
- Group Name [notes]
- Next [1]
- Manual (3 - Manual): X
- [0] to continue
- Next [1]
- Installation Type (3): X
- [0] to continue
- Next [1]
- Review answer/settings for install.
- Next [1]
= Watch Progress Bar.
- Finish [3]

Update the Notes.ini to add the new Create_R10_Databases=1:
# cd/local/notesdata/
# vi notes.ini

Add the following line:
Remove the old Create_R9_Database=1 option.

To update ODS now, run compact:
# su notes
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/

If you have terabytes of data, this will take a while. Consider doing just the system apps, and doing the others after the system as restarted.

Start the server manually for any prompts of design updates, etc.:
$ cd /local/notesdata/
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
Look for any messages to update Directory design, etc.
When done, type quit to stop the server.
> quit

If you are updating the autostart scripts and using the Nash ones, you need to create a soft link for dbmt:
$ cd /opt/ibm/domino/bin/
$ sudo ln -s /opt/ibm/domino/bin/tools/startup dbmt

Exit being user Notes and start Domino normally as a service:
$ exit
# service domino start
# systemctl start domino
Look for any errors.

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