How to Kill Domino Tasks on Linux

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 05/12/2010 at 12:48 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Server Crashes

For Mindwatering, I don't think Domino has crashed by itself on Linux in ages. I remember several early R6 and maybe a R7 early release. My Lotus Domino outages these days are externally caused: upgrade, wrong button pressed on server/virtual server console, two drives of an array going bad at the same time, mindlessly clicked checkbox leaving console to also stop the server, or the server is running an add-on that's less stable such as Symantec NAV or SameTime. We did have customers see the memory leak in 8.02 and ( though. So the good or bad news, is that today our SameTime server crashed a servlet task and I had a mind-blank on whether NSD needed the kill switch. Here are my notes while it's still fresh.

So if you converted from Windows to Linux, what's the best way to run NSD and restart the servers?

NSD or the Console and Controller

Notes to remember:
1. Run NSD as the Domino server user (e.g. notes or lotusnotes or notes1) on your server.
2. Run it from the notesdata directory for the server (partition) that you are restarting.
3. Specify the path to the executable directory or its symlink (shortcut).
4. If the server has actually already crashed a task. NSD will "sense" it and do the -kill. If nothing has crashed yet, add the -kill.
(#4 is what I was trying to remember.)

Option 1:
$ /opt/lotus/bin/nsd
$ /opt/lotus/bin/nsd -kill

Option 2:
If you enter the first one and you have already crashed, it seems to automatically see that and do a kill, too.
Also, if you are running the Controller (server -jc), then you can kill the server's remaining processes from the Console program.

If the staddin task is the task that crashed then NSD won't be able to shut down the ST tree, too.
To confirm if all tasks ended, make sure you are root:
1. Check for tasks:
ps -A -u lotusnotes

2. If there are tasks remaining, kill the tasks:
pkill -u lotusnotes

or for a specific process, 2893, on ubuntu:
$ sudo kill -9 2893

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