Domain Search Server Installation and Necessary Hardware & Machine Settings

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 02/22/2000 at 08:07 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Installation

The information provided from the development side of Lotus as well as support has been great and I wanted to take a moment to thank them all.

I would also like to share some of the findings with regards to the type of server you want to use for a domain server as well as issues:

1. Hardware:2-processor, 500Mhz Pentium 3 machine.
2GB Ram. RAID controller for OS. RAID controller for Index
2. Update_NO_Fulltext=1
3. While creating the index, turn off all tasks that are not necessary until the index is built(unloaded Router, CalConn, Update(which is the update process for the index), DIIOP, IMAP, DECS and anything else that was using resources on the server). Turn Update back on after process is complete.
4. Created pagefile on Data drive as well as operating system drive
5. By default, the domain index will use 2 threads for every one processor. You may need to reduce the threads initially to work with the amount of memory in the box and business of the remote servers.
6. Notes Release: R5.03 or higher - Recommendation from Lotus.
ft_libname=ftgtr34 in notes.ini for 10X query speed improvement and 5-10%
savings on diskspace.

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