HCL Domino 11.0.1 and Traveler 11.0.1 In-Place Upgrade from Domino 11.0 and Traveler 11.0

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 06/05/2020 at 07:35 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

Steps for In-place Upgrade
of HCL Domino 11.0 to Domino 11.0.1 and Traveler from 11.0 to Traveler 11.0.1 with FP1

- Linux server OS is CentOS 7.7, existing Domino is 64-bit, or course.
- The existing start-up script is the Nashed one. It's a few years old, but still worked, so we didn't replace it with the newest one.
- A full step-by-step from a new CentOS 7.7 is also available in this support app titled: HCL Domino 11 on CentOS 7.6 / CentOS 7.7 Step-by-Step Swing Upgrade / Installation
- See Other Upgrade Notes below for licensing and feature removals.

In-Place Domino Upgrade:
1. Using Filezilla, copied the install file to the server in the server's downloads folder.
(In this case, to a dom11 folder in the server's admin user's Downloads folder)

2. Start SSH Terminal to server. View and extract files.
$ ssh myadmin@mytravserver.mindwatering.com
<enter password>

$ cd /home/myadmin/Downloads/dom11/
$ pwd
$ ls *

We kept a backup of the last Traveler setup so we can use their info as needed for the new files. Make sure you make copies or they will get overwritten by the Traveler tar file extraction.

# sudo su
# tar -xvf Domino_1101_Linux_English.tar
<watched files extracted>
# exit

3. Backed-up the jvm folder and Performed the installation.
$ sudo systemctl stop domino.service
$ sudo systemctl status domino.service
... Domino for xLinux (notes) shutdown completed
<ctl + c>

$ cd linux64
$ ./install
<go through the prompts>
- The steps/questions are the same. But the navigation is a bit different as the new installation program is InstallAnywhere. So you click <enter> instead of <tab> to accept a setting, and you have to use "0" to get to the end of the license fine print page.
- Since my server has been upgraded over the years, the executable path still shows an IBM based one. So at Program Files Directory Name, we changed /opt/hcl/domino to /opt/ibm/domino. Update if yours if different.
- For Data Files Directory Name, we use /local/notesdata for our data path.
- For User Name, and Group Name, our Domino server user id is notes.
- Major releases always have a directory upgrade, the server "hangs" waiting on the answer. So our first boot into 11 will be manually.
- - There is a new ini for V11 to delay the Directory design upgrade. To enable add the following to the notes.ini on the Domino server: SERVER_UPGRADE_NO_DIRECTORY_UPGRADE_PROMPT=1

Skip to step 5, if this is not the administrative server for the Domino Domain.

4. Modify the lines below for your environment; start the server manually to upgrade the directory.
$ cd /local/notedata/
$ su notes
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
<answer Yes, with Y>

It might take a bit longer for large directories. But for us, it is done in about 30 seconds.
We let the Domino server run for 30 minutes and just watched it for any issues.

Shutdown the Domino service.
> q

In-Place Traveler Upgrade:
5a. Extract the Traveler 11.0.1 software:
# sudo su
< password >
# tar -zxf TRAVELER_11.0.1_Linux_ML.tar.gz
# vi installer.properties
- update/verify the program path and the data path.
- uncomment the LINUX_USER_NAME=notes and set to your server's Linux OS name, if not notes.
- uncomment the LINUX_GROUP_NAME=notes and set to your server's Linux OS name, if not notes.
# ./TravelerSetup -f /home/myadmin/dom11/installer.properties -i silent -l en

The install will notify you that you are upgrading from Traveler 10.x to 11.x, and confirm the paths.
Once done, it should print Installation completed successfully.

5b. We repeated the process to install the FP1. We removed the custom, silentInstall, and installer.properties files, and the TravelerSetup folder.
Extract the Traveler 11.01FP1 software:
# tar -zxf TRAVELER_11.0.1FP1_Linux_ML.tar.gz
# vi installer.properties
- update/verify the program path and the data path.
- uncomment the LINUX_USER_NAME=notes and set to your server's Linux OS name, if not notes.
- uncomment the LINUX_GROUP_NAME=notes and set to your server's Linux OS name, if not notes.
# ./TravelerSetup -f /home/myadmin/dom11/installer.properties -i silent -l en

6. Start the server manually as the notes user, and start the server normally.
# cd /local/notesdata
# su lotusnotes
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
Watch the server to make sure it upgrades the design of various databases (e.g. monitoring configuration) and wait for services to start.
> q

Exit being the notes user.
$ exit
# systemctl start domino.service
< wait >
# systemctl status domino.service

Remove the jvm-old folder if desired:
# rm -rf /opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux/jvm-old/

If all is well. Exit the root user. Exit the SSH session.
# exit
$ exit


Other Upgrade Notes:
The FlexNet server fields in the Configuration Settings doc can be ignored. Domino 11.0 is not yet using this licensing method for Domino servers. See KB0073301 for more info.
The console messages can also be ignored:
Licensing> Invalid length for configuration item 'LicensingServerURL': '0'
Licensing> Failed to get configuration item 'LicensingServerURL'; Invalid arguments
Licensing error: Domino license configuration is not available

There was a licensing models removed:
- XWork

There were also two features removed:
- XSP mode
- DOTS (Domino OSGi Tasklet Service)

Class Not Found / Unable to Load Class Error on First Start-up:
If you start Traveler and receive an error that the servlets cannot load, like:
HTTP JVM - ... unable to load class "com.lotus.sync.servlet.TravelerServlet"

Check two things:
1. Did you remember to kill/rename the old JVM folder?
(This is one of the steps for upgrading from Domino 10 to Domino 11.)

2. More likely, did you make spelling mistake in the properties file, specifically with the path to the /opt/hcl/domino folder?

Database Null or Duplicate Values Errors:
When you restart Traveler it will look for errors and try to automatically fix them as it starts.

There may be an occasion where the auto-repair will still have an error in one of the tables.

6/24/2020 11:03:00 PM Traveler: WARNING *system Exception caught trying to create Constraint PK_INVMAP on Table INV_MAP. Exception Thrown: com.lotus.sync.db.PersistenceException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DEVUID' cannot be a column of a primary key or unique key because it can contain null

It is likely that a new index or key column is added to an existing table, where the previous data rows have null values for the column.

The easiest option is to do a repair on the table if it is one of the more common tables. INV_MAP is a table that isn't in the default repair list. Below is a repair of a table called NAMEOFTABLE for all users.
> tell traveler tablerepair repair NAMEOFTABLE *

If the table is not one of the ones in the command, like INV_MAP, we did the following, to repair all tables:
> tell traveler tablerepair repair * *

The command seems to include a reset, as it causes a forced full resync of mail folders on the mobile devices. Limit say to 20 users at a time with:
> tell traveler tablerepair repair NAMEOFTABLE 20

Our preferred since HCL Traveler 10.0.1, is to check and reset say, 100 users with:
-- Check the first 20 users and display any with errors:
> tell traveler DbRecordsCheck show 20

-- Reset the first 20 users
> tell traveler DbRecordsCheck repair 20

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