HCL Domino 12.0 and Traveler 12.0 In-Place Upgrade from Domino 11.0.1 FPx and Traveler 11.x

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/25/2022 at 08:54 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

Steps for In-place Upgrade
of HCL Domino 11.0.1 FPx to HCL Domino 12.0.0, including upgrading HCL Traveler services

2024/12/14 Router Failure Warning
- All versions of Domino, at least through version 8.5.x, have a long-term bug where, unless you are running routing defaults, the router will likely stop working midnight 2014/12/13. Immediately upgrade to Domino 14.0 FP3 HF9, or Domino 12.0.2 FP5 HF12 (Which is also IF2 - 1202FP5HF12-linux64.tar.)

- Linux server OS is CentOS 8, existing Domino is 64-bit, or course.
- The existing start-up script is the Nashed one. It's a few years old, but still worked, so we didn't replace it with the newest one.
- See Other Upgrade Notes below for licensing and feature removals.

Check server drive disk for free drive space (10 GB min)
Write down or memorize the server program and data folders and the user name (e.g. notes) for verification when going through installation prompts

In-Place HCL Domino Upgrade:
1. Using Filezilla, copied the install file to the server in the server's downloads folder.
(In this case, to a dom11 folder in the server's admin user's Downloads folder)

Made two new directories, dom12 and trav12.


2. Started SSH Terminal to server.
$ ssh myadmin@myserver.mindwatering.com
<enter password>
$ cd /home/myadmin/Downloads/dom12/
$ pwd

3. Performed the installation.
$ sudo systemctl stop domino.service
$ tar -xvf Domino_12.0_Linux_English.tar
<watched files extracted>
$ cd linux64
$ ./install
<go through the prompts>
- The steps/questions are the same as version 11, as installation program is still InstallAnywhere. So click <enter> instead of <tab> to accept a setting, and use "0" to get to the end of the license fine print page.
- Since my server has been upgraded over the years, the executable path still shows an IBM based one. Update if yours if different. We also use /local/notesdata for our data path. Also, our Domino server user id is notes.
- Major releases always have a directory upgrade, the server "hangs" waiting on the answer. So our first boot into 12 will be manually.
- - There is a new ini ODS 55 and another for large ACL entries that we will be adding to the notes.ini of our server, as well.

4. Switch to the notes user, and update the notes.ini with the new entries.
$ su notes
<enter pwd>
$ vi /local/notesdata/notes.ini
Locate the Create_R10_Databases=1 line, and change to Create_R12_Databases=1
Add a new line at the bottom, and enter: NSF_Enable_Large_ACL=1
<esc :wq> to save

5. Update the ODS of the apps on the server. This will take a while. Alternate, you can do just the main system ones, and then do all the rest (e.g. the mail and apps) later.
$ cd /local/notesdata/
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/dbmt -ct 24 -ut 8 -ods

For 100 GB of mail and apps, this takes less than 1 hour. Plan accordingly.

6. Start the server manually.
$ cd /local/notesdata/
$ su notes
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
<The design upgrade occurred automatically. we were no longer prompted to click Y to upgrade>

It might take a bit longer for large directories. But for us, it is done in about 30 seconds.
We let the Domino server run for a few minutes and just watched it for any issues.

Shutdown the Domino service.
> q
$ exit
(so we are the normal myadmin user)

In-Place Traveler Upgrade:
7. Extract the Traveler software:
$ cd /home/myadmin/Downloads/trav12
$ sudo su
< password >
# tar zxf TRAVELER_11.0_Linux_ML.tar.gz
# vi installer.properties
- update/verify the program path and the data path.
- uncomment the LINUX_USER_NAME=notes and set to your server's Linux OS name, if not notes.
- uncomment the LINUX_GROUP_NAME=notes and set to your server's Linux OS name, if not notes.
# ./TravelerSetup -f /home/myadmin/Downloads/dom11/installer.properties -i silent -l en

The install will notify you that you are upgrading from Traveler 10.x to 11.x, and confirm the paths.
Once done, it should print Installation completed successfully.
# exit
(back to myadmin user again)

8. Start the Domino server manually.
$ cd /local/notedata/
$ su notes
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
Traveler was running okay, but it displayed the same table error that the 10.x to 11.x upgrade gave us.

9. Fix the Traveler table issue again:
WARNING *system Exception caught trying to create Constraint PK_INVMAP on Table INV_MAP. Exception Thrown: com.lotus.sync.db.PersistenceException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DEVUID' cannot be a column of a primary key or unique key because it can contain null

Since the INV_MAP is not a primary table, we did the following again:
> tell traveler tablerepair * *
> q

Repeated running the server manually. No errors displayed. We verified the traveler status for a user.
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server

Open a browser to:

Traveler server is available.

iPhone 7 Plus with Device ID ABDCCC123S4PVRCG49ABCUL1D123: Last synced at Thursday, June 3, 2021 5:40:36 PM EDT and no sync requests from the server are pending.
iPhone 6s Plus with Device ID 123ABDC1QIP2DH1ABC2O3ASL9234: Last synced at Thursday, June 3, 2021 5:40:36 PM EDT and no sync requests from the server are pending.

We also checked with the iPhones and verified we could see mail, delete mail, and read mail.
No user repair needed to be done.

Stop the Domino server:
> q

10. Exit being the notes user, and start the server normally.
$ exit
$ sudo systemctl start domino.service


Ubuntu 18.04 Notes for Upgrade if from Domino 10 to Domino 12:

Ubuntu is not a supported Linux OS/distro for HCL Domino. However, if you are going to do it anyway, below is what you need to do in step 3 above.

In-Place HCL Domino Upgrade:
1 .The install script needs to have it's /bin/sh swapped out.
# /home/myadmin/tmp/linux64# ./install
./install: 44: [: /home/myadmin/tmp/linux64/tools/-E: unexpected operator
./install: 51: [: /home/myadmin/tmp/linux64/tools/-e: unexpected operator
./install: 57: [: /home/myadmin/tmp/linux64/tools/-e: unexpected operator
./install: 1: .: -e: not found
# /home/myadmin/tmp/linux64# rm /bin/sh
# /home/myadmin/tmp/linux64# ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

2. The checkminimumos.pl script will complain about null/uninitialized values. They can be ignored.
# /home/myadmin/tmp/linux64# ./install
Use of uninitialized value $tmpStr in pattern match (m//) at /home/sysadmin/tmp/linux64/tools/checkminimumos.pl line 242.
Use of uninitialized value $linuxStr in scalar chomp at /home/sysadmin/tmp/linux64/tools/checkminimumos.pl line 243.
Use of uninitialized value $linuxStr in string eq at /home/sysadmin/tmp/linux64/tools/checkminimumos.pl line 245.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sysadmin/tmp/linux64/tools/checkminimumos.pl line 253.

Continue with the rest of the steps.


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