WebDav and Lotus Domino Setup

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 06/30/2009 at 09:03 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting

Having trouble getting WebDav authentication working. If you follow the documentation, then review the list but skip down to the bottom to the item NOT in the documentation.

Things to verify:
In Server Doc:
  • Using Web Internet Sites configuration rather than "old" server configuration.

In Internet Site Doc:
  • Session Authentication is off (by default, leave it off).
  • SSL is off (by default, leave it off.) However, I wish this worked!
  • WebDav checkmark added to Internet Site. (This also checks the appropriate HTTP services to run (e.g. delete).
  • Increase POST limit above 10000 bytes for big files.

In Database/Application ACL:
  • Maximum Internet Authentication increased to Designer level.
  • The web server is set as the Administrative server.
  • WebDav users are set up in the ACL with Designer access.

Database Properties:
  • On the Design tab, check (enable) design locking. This is needed for the file locking (checkout) with Dreamweaver and other "smart" WebDav clients.

In the URL for the Network site in My Network Places wizard, make sure its format follows:
Notes: According to the documentation this works except in IE which only works if the database in the root domino folder rather than a subfolder. This did work in Dreamweaver MX. It did NOT work in MS Windows XP's Network Places wizard. In reality, we never got this to work with this syntax in Network Places unless we let anonymous have designer access. What we had to add was the port :80 so the authentication was the web authentication dialog instead of MS authentication one. Also, that has to be a lowercase $files. So the final "good" URL for Windows Network Places is:
We also setup two Internet sites, one for the www.mindwateringclient.com and mindwateringclient.com to display the web site, and one for webdav.mindwateringclient.com for the webdav client. That way the web site was not also showing off quite so bad it was a webdav site, too, without sniffing out DNS names via nslookup.

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