Mail File 6.5 Issues when Upgraded to 8.5 Release

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 07/08/2009 at 08:56 AM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Notes Client

Issue & Resolutions:
Upgrade server to 8.5. Upgrade mail files to 8.5 w/load convert or design replace.
Users will experience issues with any folder/view based on $Inbox.

Specifically two new fields cause issues: $ToStuff and $ToNames used for attention indicators and the calendar profile respectively.
If you are lucky to read this note or other blogs out there beforehand, get SPRs LMAN7R6L44 and JCIK7PFGCT. The catch is that you need to install these BEFORE the upgrade.

However, it is likely that you've discovered this afterwards...
If so, you can delete the color profile and calendarprofile doc and have users reset preferences. You can alternately call Lotus Support for them to help you get rid of the "garbage" in the fields.

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