Installation Steps for Quickplace 6.51 on 6.5.x Domino Server (The "other steps")

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/16/2005 at 11:30 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Task List (Steps) for Installation of QuickPlace 6.5x on an Existing Domino 6.5x Server.

The following are the basic tasks needed to get new installation of QuickPlace up-and-running.
These steps are in the documentation, but not exactly all in one place.

1. You install Domino and run through the setup specifying to load http task as one of the server's services.
2. After you have run through the Domino setup, you verify the http (server tasks) and networking protocols are all "ok".
Note: Especially pay attention to the SSO settings, note what they currently are. The Sametime and QuickPlace installations tend to "hose" them when they help you set them up.
3. Stop the Domino server
4. Run the setup.exe Quickplace setup program.
5. Run through the standard license and welcome windows, choose/verify the install directory, which the Quickplace setup found, is the Domino program folder location.
6. After the final "Next" of installation, the setup takes you to the QP configuration.
7. Set-up the first QP site admin - See the help for this part. It's pretty good here.
8. Start the Domino server & verify the SSO stuff.
9. Stop the Server and then restart it. (Lotus says you have to do this, for whatever reason)
10. Do the security setup in the main QuickPlace configuration area (e.g. )

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