GZip Support in Domino 8.5 HTTP Server

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/20/2010 at 08:32 AM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration, Symphony

The HTTP server in Domino now delivers to browsers the compressed GZ files to browsers that support them rather than transferring HTML files uncompressed so overall load is reduced for static files placed in the domino/html folder. Typically, you simply have the .gz file with the same name just the .gz extension (e.g. mypage.html --> mypage.gz).

Assumes the browser supports this...
The compressed file and the uncompressed one must be in same folder.
The MIME type of the compressed file:
Content-type of the file must match the INCLUDED MIME types specified in the browser.
Content-type of the file must NOT match the EXCLUDED MIME types specified in the browser.
Domino server cannot send a range of bytes for gzip files.

Notes.ini settings or Internet Site Document settings can affect GZIP:
(No I haven't needed any INIs "real life". They are useful to know for an admin update test.)

Internet Site doc --> Configuration tab --> File System Compression Settings section.
Internet Site Doc. Field --> Default
Notes.INI (when not using Internet Sites)
Compressed Files --> Enable (option)HTTPDisablePreCompressedGzipFiles=1
Include MIME types --> text/*, application/*HTTPIncludeMimeTypes=text/*;application/*
Exclude MIME types --> application/x-gizip, application/x-zipHTTPExcludeMimeTypes=application/x-gzip;application/x-zip
Create Compressed Files --> Disabled (option)HTTPCreatePreCompressedGzipFiles=1
n/aHTTPCompressMinFileSize=500 (bytes)
n/aHTTPCompressWaitTime=500 (milliseconds)

Internet Site doc --> Domino Web Engine tab --> Compression Settings section.
Internet Site Doc. Field --> Default
Notes.INI (when not using Internet Sites)
Compressed Output --> Disabled (option, if enabled then rest of fields below display)DominoGzipEnabled=1
Include MIME types --> text/*, application/*DominoIncludeMimeTypes=text/*;application/*
Exclude MIME types --> application/x-gizip, application/x-zipDominoExcludeMimeTypes=application/x-gzip;application/x-zip
Compressed to File Threshold --> 1 (size, MB)DominoGzipCompressToFileThreshold=1
Minimum Compress Content Length -> 300 (bytes)DominoGzipMinBytesToCompress=300 (bytes)

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