Symantec Mail Security Crash Upon Start

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/11/2009 at 06:23 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Server Crashes

Added new key to Symantec SMS Dom / Mail Security for Domino. Experience crashes on 1 or more servers. Stable w/o nntask.exe running. Upgrading software does not fix issue.


Option 1:
The sav.nsf (Settings db) or savdef.nsf (Definitions db if in use) could be corrupt.
You could delete them and replace them w/ replicas from another server.

Option 2:
Keys corrupted w/new renewal keys.
1. Deinstall current SMS Mail Security for Domino using Add/Remove Programs.
2. Choose option to delete (not keep) all SMS databases and (not keep) statistics.
3. Delete the product's *.slf keys in the c:\Program Files\Common\Shared Symantec\Licenses folder.
4. Rerun the installation for Mail Security for Domino, allow to create new database.
5. Remove npas out of Notes.ini if not also subscribed to AntiSpam service.
6. Sign database templates and new databases using or

<ntask service should be stable>

7. If you want to re-use your existing sav.nsf (Settings) from another server.
7a. Issue tell sav quit in console.
7b. Create replica of sav.nsf from other server over the new one.
7c. Issue load nntask in console.

<ntask service should still be stable>

8. Import / set new keys:
8a. Opening sav.nsf.
8b. Open the current settings doc (e.g. "MailServers")
8c. Go to the Licensing tab.
8d. Click the button to install/upgrade keys.
8e. Clear all servers but the current server repaired.
8f. Browse to the slf file(s). If separate, browse and attached the product one first. Then do the content/antivirus key.
8g. Click the Check button and you might see useful messages.

<ntask service should still be stable>

9. To confirm you really got it, issue tell sav info. This will let you know that: what date of definitions/antivirus files you are using. and confirm that both your product and content keys are valid rather than expired.

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