Setup Dreamweaver to Use CSS for Style Changes

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/14/2008 at 11:19 PM


Other General Tips

For example, when you set some text bold, or increase it's font, underline it, or give it a custom color. you have added a bunch of HTML tags. If you do the same changes to text on multiple sections of the page or multiple pages, it would be nice to have your HTML code not "hard code" it each time but re-use a "style". You can have Dreamweaver create CSS for you as you go.

For advanced editors this is a horrid thing to recommend. An advanced programmer is going to write their custom CSS and then program the page's text and other elements to use the CSS as they layout and populate the page content. But for the beginner it makes sense. By having Dreamweaver do this, it will write less code overall, as setting each object's style with the "class" attribute can take a LOT less space (less source code) than to set all those style options each time. It is also a useful way where beginning developers can learn CSS by seeing what Dreamweaver is doing.

To turn this on, perform the following:
1. Under Menu, choose the options to Edit --> Preferences.
2. Under General, check the option to Use CSS instead of HTML tags.

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