Creating a New HTML Page from an Existing Page

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 05/04/2006 at 05:23 PM


Hyperlinks - Text/Images/Email

To Make a New Page & Link to Page

Part One - Create New Page
The easiest way is to copy an existing page that is similar to the new one...
1. Under the Files tab on the right, highlight the similar file and right-click. Select Copy to copy the existing page (to the clipboard).
2. Right-click again and select Paste, to actually copy the existing page. At this point you will have a new file: copy of whatever.html
3. Right-click the new file and choose Rename. Rename the file to the new page's name, keeping the existing .html extension.
4. Open the new page by double clicking or dragging to the edit window.
5. Under Page properties (or via Source code) update the title, the meta data (e.g. keywords), and replace the body content of the new page.
6. Save the new page.

Part Two - Create the Link
1. Go to page to contain the link to the new page, enter new link text (the actual word/phrase on which the user clicks).
2. Highlight the actual text to become the link.
3. Under Properties, in the bottom Dreamweaver window, type in the destination URL in the field next to the Link label. Alternately, click the folder icon beside the field to browse and select the destination file. (The latter alternate method is safer for those us who have the propensity to misstype our links.)
4. Save the current page.

Preview both pages in a browser to confirm the link works.

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