Blender Add-on - Wiggle Bone 2 Not Rendering Addon

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Abigail Black

Created: 07/04/2024 at 09:51 AM



A wiggle effect has been applied to the bones. Clicking "play" in the timeline indicates the add-on works, but when the scene is rendered, the bones do not move.

- Install add-on Wiggle 2 by Steve Miller, version 2.2.3
- Create a mesh and applied an armature

Blender Version:
Blender 4.1.1



Select the bones of the armature in Pose mode and ONLY those bones

Apply the Wiggle 2 add-on to the selected bones
N -> Animation -> Wiggle 2 -> Global Wiggle Utilities -> Bake Wiggle

Enable Overwrite Current Action
- If the entire armature is selected and this is enabled, it wipes all other movement of the armature so only the wiggling remains during render.

To undo the baked wiggling, delete all markers in the dope sheet.

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