IBM Notes 9.0.1 (9.0.2) 64-bit Client Upgrade for OSX Mojave

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/27/2018 at 02:31 PM


Using Lotus Notes
Issue Troubleshooting

Installed Mac 64-bit 9.0.1 IF16, also IBM Notes Hotfix 901SHF993.
Upgraded to OSX 10.13 High Sierra to 10.14 OSX Mojave.

Notes Client started successfully. However, 5 to 10 seconds later, the Notes client displays a message saying "NSD is running".
After NSD runs, and the client closes, the Apple reporting starts. A secondary terminal window with senddiag error reporting locating the "X86_64" java.

Upgraded Java to latest 1.81 production build available, and restarted OSX and started Notes. Still crashed.

Removed Expeditor workspace folder. Restarted Notes. Still crashed 3 to 10 seconds later.

NSD folder console logs shows that IF15 (HF833) might still be installed?
Opened IBM Notes Hotfix 901shf993 (IF 16) again, installed IBM Notes Hotfix.pkg. Crash still occurred.

1. Removed the Expeditor/workspace folder.
2. Uninstalled IBM Notes using original 9.0.1 64-bit install package, "" (within the pkg: Notes_V9.0.1_MAC_64B_EN.dmg).
3. Installed IBM Notes using the "IBM Notes Installer.pkg" (within the same package).
< don't run Notes>
4. Installed IBM Notes Hotfix 901SHF993, via "IBM Notes Hotfix.pkg"
5. Started Notes.

I left the IBM Notes Data folder intact except for the aforementioned Expeditor/workspace folder and contents.

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