Set Lotus Notes Standard 8.x or Higher to Run in Basic Mode

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp Black

Created: 11/23/2009 at 03:42 PM


Using Lotus Notes
Changing Preferences

You would like to install HCL Notes Standard but make it start in Basic mode.
(For lack of memory reasons usually.)

If the Notes client was installed with "multi-user" mode (default if not using the Admin/Designer installation program), the notes.ini is in the user's private folder.
MS Windows:
e.g. c:\Users\<osusername>\AppData\Local\Notes\data
Macintosh HD --> Users --> <osusername> --> Library --> ApplicationSupport --> Lotus Notes Data

If the installation was "single user" mode such as with the Admin/Designer installation, the data folder is under the program folder.

1. Edit the notes.ini.
2. Add the following entry and save the change:
3. Restart Notes if running, otherwise just start it like you normally would.

To no longer have Notes run in Basic mode, either set the ini variable UseBasicNotes=0, or remove the line from the notes.ini.

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