Lotus Notes on Mac Data Folder Path

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/25/2010 at 12:22 PM


Using Lotus Notes
Changing Preferences

Lotus Notes installs its application in the Applications folder. It displays as the Notes.app icon.
Macintosh HD --> Applications

Personal Data Directory:
R9/ R9.0.1:
/Users/<myusername>/Library/Application Support/IBM Notes Data/

If the install is an upgrade, the above folder seems to be created (perhaps for the embedded SameTime client), but the existing Lotus Notes Data folder is definitely still used/reused.
/Users/<myusername>/Library/Application Support/Lotus Notes Data

/Users/<myusername>/Library/Application Support/Lotus Notes Data

or in clicks for the desktop
Macintosh HD --> Users --> <myusername> --> Library --> Application Support --> Lotus Notes Data

/Users/<myusername>/Library/Application Support/Lotus Notes Data

/Applications/Lotus Notes/Data

Preferences File:
(7.0 and afterwards)
/Users/<myusername>/Library/Preferences/Notes Preferences

or in clicks for the desktop
Macintosh HD --> Users --> <myusername> --> Library --> Preferences --> Notes Preferences

Each --> or / represents a folder/directory to open or pass through.
<myusername> is your username/id. For example, for me, it is "tripp".

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