This presumes a type of firearm has already been modeled
This presumes a type of ammunition has already been modeled
Select model -> go into Edit Mode
Select face inside firearm's barrel or equivalent source of projectile
Object -> Snap -> 3D Cursor to Selected
Shift+A -> Mesh -> Plane
Rotate so plane faces outward from barrel
Properties -> Particle System -> Add particle system
Name = bullet (or appropriate projectile type)
-Number = 3
Frame Start/End = time firearm is firing
-Emit From = Faces
-Distribution = Even Distribution
-Normal = 70 m/s
-Render As = Object
-Scale = 1 (NOTE: You can scale later on for appropriate size. Also, scaling too small will make the object too small to see in the view, so it looks like the emitter is broken.)
-Instance Object = projectile model
-checkbox Object Scale
Field Weights
- Gravity = 0
Adjust other settings as needed.
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