Installation of Notes 9.0.1 FP9 and FP10 Fails with FixPacks Downloaded Before August 2018

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/05/2018 at 02:05 PM


Using Lotus Notes
Issue Troubleshooting

A MS Win10 update hosed another Notes client installation (wouldn't start). Reinstalled Notes and Feature Pack 10/Fix Pack 10 ,and saw a similar provisioning error at the end of the installation that we saw with FP9 this past summer (summer 2018). The FP9 and February's FP10 files have expired certificates causing a file to not get "rolled over". This causes the Notes client's start-up progress bar to repeatedly show startup and then starting over. After about 3 to 5 minutes, it finally fails with an error, but leaves Notes partly running in the the background. In Windows 10, IBM Diagnostics (NSD) can no longer stop Notes when your run NSD because of security changes MS implemented. So after running Diagnostics, you have to manually kill the Notes processes still running.

We knew that FP9 had this problem, but we didn't realize that FP10 did, as well.
IBM has information in Technote: SWG21657963

There are two options.

If you have FP10 IF4 or FP10 IF5, they have the new signatures within their patch files. Installing Notes 9.0.1 standard, then Feature Pack/Fix Pack 10, and then installing IF4 or IF5 fixes the problem. The client boots just fine.

If you don't want to install/run an IF on your Notes clients because of the roll-back need for further FP installations, download Feature Pack 10 and Feature Pack 9 again from Passport. They have been updated with new signatures.

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