Mindwatering clients can check their mail via web browser. The client requires Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 4.7 or higher. Due to Netscape limitations, using Netscape will reduce some functionality of the web mail client.
URL Location and Login Instructions
Use the following URL to access your mail file:
Enter your name and password to load your mail file (e.g. Jane Doe and mypass1 or jdoe@mindwatering.com and mypass1)
If you have problems getting to your mail file, email support@mindwatering.net or call Mindwatering using the contact phone number on the main mindwatering web site.
If you are a modem line user and find your bandwidth makes the load time too long, you can switch the interface from the graphical "i-notes" interface which is default to the "webmail" interface. The webmail interface does not have the full functionality that the i-notes interface does.
The easiest way to make the switch is to login to your mail file using the the link above. Once your welcome screen loads, change the url so that the url reads in the format:
Once you have made the change in the URL, press the Enter key on your keyboard or click the Go button next to the URL location bar.
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