Opening a Web Site for the First Time...

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/26/1999 at 07:51 PM


Developer Setup, FrontPage
Open Web Page

  1. Under "File" on the menu bar choose "Open Frontpage Web".
  2. Click the "More Webs" button.
  3. In the box below "Select a Web server or disk location" type your domain name's address. (ie. "").
  4. If you have multiple webs under your domain, Press the "List Webs" button.
    A list of sub web sites (folders) will appear in a few seconds. *
  5. Select, by highlighting, your web site from the list and press the "OK" button.
  6. Type in your account name.
  7. Type in your password.
  8. Press the "OK" button, your web site will now load.

        Steps 2 Above

      Steps 3, 4 & 5 Above

      Steps 6, 7 & 8 Above

* If you get a timeout error message, your machine is having trouble talking to the web server. See link below.

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