How to Publish to a Web Site Using FrontPage 2003 with FTP

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 07/31/2014 at 01:11 AM



Microsoft FrontPage is EOL (End Of Life). It has been replaced by another product Microsoft Expression Web. In addition, certain FP extension features have security vulnerabilities and are no longer supported.

Step 1:

Open the local or source remote server web site.
This is the one that has the files you wish to copy/move to your new web site.

You may want to verify that you have no "broken" links before publishing:

Step 2:

Run the "Publish Web..." command under "File" on the menu bar.
This command opens up the the publish dialog box. This is where you give FrontPage the information it needs to know to send your files to the server using FTP.

Complete the following fields in the dialog box:

1. Select "FTP" as the Remote Web server type.

2. Set the Remote Web site location with the address or IP address of the FTP server for your site. Include the FTP protocol prefix ftp://.

3. Set the remote starting FTP directory.
(e.g. web)

4. Depending on your personal connection type to the Internet and other factors, you may need to enable or disable the Use Passive FTP option.

5. Press the OK button to begin the update.

6. After clicking OK, FrontPage will ask for your username and password. Enter your username and password. Once you have entered them successfully, you can watch FrontPage list the files as it sends them to the server. When the publish is done, FrontPage will give you a successful message with a hyperlink where you can then view your web site to verify that the publish was successful.

Other Publishing Notes:
  • If you get a dialog box asking a yes/no question to add/delete, choose "Yes to All".
    This will automatically replace and update new files without you having to confirm each one.
  • If you get a navigation question, always choose the "Replace Navigation" option.

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