Outoing Mail Identity in RoundCube

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/17/2011 at 04:09 PM


Email Setup

Setup outgoing e-mail identities to either override the default e-mail address in RoundCube or allow you to send mail from alternate e-mail addresses.

How To:

1. Log into your RoundCube e-mail.

2. Click the Personal Settings link (upper right).

3. On the Personal Settings page, click the Identities tab.

4. Click the New identity button (bottom left).

5. Complete the form on the right that appeared. Enter similar to the following:

Display name: MW Sales
E-mail: mwsales@mw.com

Optionally complete the rest ...

Organization: MW
Reply-To: mwsales@mw.com
Bcc: salesmgr@mw.com
Signature: Contact MW for the greatest service and sales.
HTML Signature: <check> if you entered HTML code in the Signature
Set default: <check> if you want this to be the default identity in RoundCube.

6. Click the Save button when done.

7. Now compose a new e-mail message, the Sender field should have your identities.

By ISPConfig 2.32 and Roundcube RC4, the identitie(s) already exist. Instead, the current entry just needs to be updated from the webNN_shortname to the first and last name.

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