Syncing E-Mail on BlackBerry's

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/10/2008 at 10:01 AM


Email Setup, Microsoft/Exchange - User Setup Information

Use w/BES - BlackBerry Enterprise Solution

BlackBerry® Enterprise Server can setup an e-mail account with a Microsoft® Outlook, IBM® Lotus® Notes® or Novell® GroupWise® work email account with wireless data synchronization.

BlackBerry User:
1. Get your enterprise password from your administrator.
2. Use the "I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server' option in the setup wizard on your phone.
3. Give the user

Administration User:
- Assuming BES is installed on the Lotus Domino (or Exchange) server and setup is already completed.

For BB Professional:
1. Open the BlackBerry Manager
2. Under Account, select option for the "Add New User Wizard".
3. Highlight (select) the User from the Directory (Global Address List in Exchange).
4. Click Select button.
5. Click OK button.
6. In the dialog, set up new user.

For BES Server:
1. Select a BES server from the left pane.
2. On the Server Configuration tab, click Common.
3. Click Add Users.
4. In the Show Names from drop-down combo, select an address group/list.
5. Highlight (select) the user.
6. Click Select button.
7. Click OK.
8. In the dialog, set up the new user.

Now give the user their temporary activation password:
1. Still in BB Mgr:
2. Go to Service Access menu and Set Activation Password and its expiration time.

For more info on the Activation screens for BES 4.0:

For BES 4.1:

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