Outlook Classic (e.g. 2021) Setup for IMAP E-mail Account

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/27/2024 at 10:45 PM


Email Setup

Instructions for Setup of Outlook e.g. 2021/2022 for Mindwatering POP Mail Hosting:

1. Start Classic.
Start --> Outlook (if Outlook is default mail client)

2. Open the Account Settings Dialog:
File --> Account Settings ...

3. Create a new account:
Click New Account (button)

Enter your email address.
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Outlook - New Account - Email Address

3. In the next screen, it will ask for your password, enter your password:
Note: you can click the upside-down smiley-face to verify your password entered.
Click Next.
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Outlook - New Account - Password

4. Select the IMAP option. Click Next.
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Outlook - New Account - IMAP

5. In the IMAP Account Settings screen, enter the incoming and outgoing server information from Mindwatering Support:
Incoming mail
Server: imapserver.mindwatering.com
Port: 993
Encryption Method: SSL/TLS

Outgoing mail
Server: smtpserver.mindwatering.com
Port: 587
Encryption Method: STARTTLS

Click Next.
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Outlook - New Account - Incoming / Outgoing Server Settings

Mindwatering historically used mail.mindwatering.net for incoming and smtp.mindwatering.net for outgoing. However, since we use secure messaging, we advise our clients to use the server address they receive in their welcome e-mail.

5. Wait for the connection settings to be verified.
This will take a second or 5 if successful, if there is a problem, typically with a blocked port, you'll get a generic message saying there is an issue w/either the incoming or outgoing server. If you find that your ISP or location has blocked port 587 and STARTTLS, you can alternately try port 465 with SSL/TLS. So ISPs will require that you enter their outgoing mail server instead.

6. Click the Finish / OK button.

7. If the Account Settings dialog is still open, close it.

16. Try sending a message to a friend or co-worker and have them reply. If you can send and receive it, you're good to go.

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